181 Women Helpline Case – Human Trafficking


181 Women Helpline Case – Human Trafficking

The case was registered by the friend of an aggrieved woman on her behalf. It was told by the caller that the woman’s parents had passed away and that she had been sold to an old man and that she was being taken by some young men to Allahabad. The caller informed that she had been taken forcibly by these young men and that she intended to help her friend; however she did not want her name to be disclosed. The caller was provided the contact number of Uttar Pradesh 181 Women Helpline as her friend was taken from Saharanpur. Also conference call was made to Police Control Room Saharanpur however the call got disconnected in between. Thus 181 Women Helpline made a follow up call to the caller who gave the contact address of the aggrieved woman as well as the contact number of the aggrieved woman and of one of suspected kidnappers. 181 Women Helpline who gave the details of the case to Neelam Rawat, SI PHQ as the Number of Police Control Room was not reachable. She provided contact number of SSP Saharanpur from where the Number of SO of the concerned Police Station was provided to 181 Women Helpline for further details regarding the case.

A call was also made to Anti Human Trafficking cell with respect to the case. 181 Women Helpline also provided the details of the case to CO Crime who provided the contact of CO City as he was seeding the rural area. Hence 181 Women Helpline made a call to CO City and gave him complete details about the case. Also 181 Women Helpline requested him for support in the case. In another follow up to CO City Saharanpur it was told that the location of the girl had been traced to be somewhere in Ghaziabad. He also informed us to report the case with the Delhi Police. 181 Women Helpline also gave the details of the case to Delhi 181 Women Helpline and requested them to register the matter with the police as the location of the alleged kidnapped girl was tracked to be Ghaziabad. It was also told that 181 Women Helpline would take follow up of the case from them. However in the subsequent follow up Delhi 181 Women Helpline told that since there is no written compliant made in this case with the nearest police station hence 181 Women Helpline first needs to register a case with the police station. It was also told that Delhi 181 Women Helpline would extend their full support. 181 Women Helpline also made a follow up call to OSC Ghaziabad and details of the case was given. Also an email was sent to them and OSC HARIDWAR, OSC LUCKNOW and OSC ALLAHABAD giving details of the case and other necessary details to the case. OSC GHAZIABAD assured full support in the matter. In the follow up to CO City Saharanpur it was informed that a police time for investigation was sent to the address of the aggrieved woman. He also informed that the last location of the aggrieved woman was found to be in Delhi which was beyond their jurisdiction. Hence he advised that 181 Women Helpline should report the matter to Delhi Police. 181 Women Helpline requested for their support and informed that the details have already been given to Delhi Police and OSC OF 4 concerned places i.e. Ghaziabad, Lucknow, Allahabad and Haridwar. Also call was made to OSC ALLAHABAD and DPO Allahabad and details were given for the case. 181 Women Helpline also made a call to UP 181 Women Helpline in regards to the case who informed that they shall be heading towards the SSP Office in Ghaziabad. In another follow up it was informed that SSP Ghaziabad had a talk with CO City Saharanpur but he is not able to give the correct location for the case.

In the follow up to CO City Saharanpur it was informed that he had given the detail of the location to SSP GHAZIABAD. 181 Women Helpline told that further follow up in regards to the case would be taken from him. It was told by OSC Ghaziabad that they had a talk with CO City Saharanpur and also informed DM Ghaziabad who assured full support with regards to the case. In a follow up with OSC Haridwar confirming a detailed conversation with the woman who had previously registered the case with WHL during which some more information had been provided regarding the case as well as another address where the aggrieved woman was living before coming to Saharanpur was provided. It was also known that this information had been passed on to SP (Crime) Kanpur.

In another follow up by OSC Haridwar, it was informed by the Centre Coordinator that she has forwarded the case to OSC Ghaziabad as the last location of the aggrieved woman was shown to be of that area. Also she informed that the SSP Ghaziabad had asked for the photograph of the aggrieved woman for which she had called up her friend who had registered the complaint with 181 Women Helpline. It was informed by the caller that the aggrieved woman was Bengali and was living in Kanpur with her uncle and aunt. The caller told that her aunt left her at an ashram (address already given for the case to concerned departments) from where she was taken along by a woman. OSC Haridwar informed that in talks with SSP GHAZIABAD it was told by him the name of this woman who took the aggrieved woman from the ashram had come in many other cases. Also the name of the person in whose house the aggrieved woman was living in Saharanpur had also come up as middleman in the trafficking of young girls and women. Also the number from which the aggrieved woman had made the call was also given to Anti Human Trafficking Cell for getting CDR of the number. Also OSC Haridwar informed that the they have been receiving calls to get more information regarding the case. However, they had not given out any details and were told them to contact the concerned officials and departments as details are with them. As by the information of the CDR the last location of the number from which the aggrieved woman had called came to be Ghaziabad HENCE OSC Haridwar forwarded the case to Sakhi, Ghaziabad. Also they were provided the number given by the aggrieved woman’s friend who had registered the case. In the follow up, 181 Women Helpline received call from Navjoti Office Ghaziabad that the aggrieved woman had been found but she was not able to provide any information. They also provided their contact number and told that they would update 181 Women Helpline about any updates or 181 Women Helpline could also contact them. Also a follow up was done by concerned officer of Ghaziabad OSC who told that 181 Women Helpline should speak to Protection Officer of Asha Jyoti Kendra Ghaziabad. It was told by him the aggrieved woman was recovered from Muradnagar. However as they didn’t have a proper staff and facilities hence they thought of transferring the aggrieved woman to OSC Haridwar. A conference call was made to Centre Coordinator OSC Haridwar. It was also informed that the aggrieved woman had been married to a person and the marriage was fixed by the landlord of the house she was staying at Saharanpur. In the follow up ; OSC Haridwar informed that they had got a call from Asha Jyoti Kendra Ghaziabad in regards that OSC Haridwar should register an FIR in regards to the case so that further action could be taken. The Centre Coordinator of OSC Haridwar informed that they have told them that a zero FIR can also be filled from their place.

A call was also made by the caller who had registered the case and told that since the aggrieved woman have been found hence her case should be closed at 181 Women Helpline. In another follow up it was told by OSC Haridwar that they had received call from OSC Ghaziabad in regards to the case. It was told that OSC Ghaziabad had registered the FIR in regards to the case. Also they told that now for further actions in the case would be taken by OSC Ghaziabad hence OSC Haridwar can close the case from their end. OSC Haridwar also had a talk with the aggrieved woman who told that she is ok at present. Hence it was told by OSC Haridwar that they are also closing the case at their place hence 181 can also close the case. However another follow up was given by OSC Haridwar that the caller who had registered this case had called the Centre Coordinator in regards to the case. It was told that the caller said the case had come as an article in the newspaper and the person whom the aggrieved woman had accused in regards to the case is the caller’s fiancé. It was told that they had a talk with OSC Ghaziabad who informed that even the woman who had registered the case is suspected to be involved in this case. However as the case is now under investigation by OSC Ghaziabad and the aggrieved woman has been found and is safe and secure hence the case is closed both at OSC Haridwar and 181 Women Helpline

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